Kick Bong – Everyday With Hope
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Kick Bong Everyday With Hope 2012
2. Never Stop 3. No Side FX 4. Show Me 5. Step By Step |
The new productions of a project Kick Bong always aroused interest and we waited for them with no little nostalgia. A Frenchman accustomed us to his tracks full of a deep beat and space, with a touch of vibrant and captivating melodies. The albums such as: A CUP OF TEA, or 'spring’ FLOWER POWER probably knows everyone who is a lover of the chillout music – of course I mean that kind of music from the top shelf. This time, Franck surprises us at the outset that his latest work is not born thanks to a well-known to us Cosmic Leaf Records, but thanks to Ajnavision Records which was created two years ago, the label responsible even for the emergence of such artists as: Sergio Walgood, or Celt Islam. Another interesting fact is that this is EP was released only in an electronic format as MP3 files to download for a symbolic fee. This is how we can become holders of the latest material bearing a title EVERYDAY WITH HOPE. Now we only must determine what kind of holders we will be – happy or maybe disappointed ones?
In the EP there was a place for five tracks maintained in downtempo atmosphere, which because of their relatively strong diversity, it is hard to evaluate explicitly. The first track is something completely new, which presents us Franck. In this track, at the forefront is a vocal of a person called Angie, which dominated the whole track and gave it a rather bland character. However, this is an opinion with which probably many will not agree, but I just hate this kind of sweet and mawkish climate. As for me, there is too much sugar in sugar, and it could have been much better, because the melody itself and swirling sounds are nice. Number two, and gradually disappears the state of too much sweetness, I think this is primarily thanks to cancelling the vocal and focusing on slow and gentle leding us by the nose, just to finally get a fairly quick and decisive beat, which is what we like the most in the project Kick Bong/. It is gooood! Number three somewhat calms our mild euphoria caused by its predecessor, but only for a moment, because once again the nature of the track builds itself with each successive second, and again we can feel happy and satisfied. Number four drains our accumulated energy and in a truly downtempo pace puts us in the state of chillout intoxication. Franck definitely knows how to 'show’ us what is the greatest. The last track reveals its face 'step by step’ like the whole EP, which goes from the mawkish chillout into the great, stimulating tracks, and at the very end it does what every solid chillout album should do – it calms down and allows to rest, think and evaluate.
… The rating can be only one. Except the first track, EVERYDAY WITH HOPE would be a really solid dose of chillout, and however by this one little prank all the achievements are somewhat lost. But we can be sure of one thing, Kick Bong has not lost its charm and certainly the next achievements of this artist will be for all a windfall.
6,5 / 10