Ott – Mir
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Ott Mir 2011
2. Adrift In Hilbert Space 3. Owl Stretching Time 4. Squirrel And Biscuits 5. A Nice Little Place 6. Mouse Eating Cheese 7. The Aubergine Of The Sun |
‘After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music’
Aldous Huxley
Finally. After a long waiting, the third album of British hiding under a pseudonym Ott falls into my hands. But before I will describe the content of this silver disc, maybe I will mention something about the artist himself. Certainly Ott is not a new ‘product’, but probably not everyone knows that he has dealt with the music already since the early eighties. A composer, producer, workaholic, performer, sound engineer, passionate, and perhaps one could describe him indefinitely that way. Few people know also that in the mid-eighties, Ott worked together with such artists as: FSOL, The Orb, Brian Eno, and even Sinead O’Connor – they all seem to talk about him in one way: ‘He’s a professional’.
Since 2002, when he decided to make (in my humble opinion) the greatest work of his life, he has been officially associated with the British label Twisted Records. What album am I thinking about? Of course, I mean the remixes of Hallucinogen’s tracks, which in turn were released as an album called HALLUCINOGEN IN DUB (who has not yet had an opportunity to get to know with this album, should not comment on the psychedelic music) – it is a real sensation. Of course this was only the beginning of Ott’s activity under the wings of Twisted. A year later appeared his first longplay under the title BLUMENKRAFT, and after further five (very long) years SKYLON – both are perfect dub productions and on the assumption that every self-respecting fan of psychedelic low bass sounds is familiar with these albums, I will not go into the details by describing them fully.
MIR. A space circulation of dub and so characteristic for Ott sounds strikes again. His style is recognizable already after the first sounds, this is a typical Ott’s atmosphere, but in a completely fresh, inflected arrangements. As usual, there are also some references and the use of nature sounds so beloved by me in the composition of British. Here a bird tweets, here a warm summer breeze sways us, here again you can hear some buzzing insects, you would call it an idyll. All touched with a dub lazy sunny, rocking bass, which is intertwined with some original melodies – vagotonia guaranteed. What is new? Surely some kind of an experiment with currently popular glitch and a little bit more ‘dirty’ sounds, which personally I do not like always, but I must confess that in some tracks, it sounds really good. As one says, you can not stand still in one place, so probably Ott decided to make a small step, and whether it is a step forward – you have to evaluate ourselves.
As I have mentioned before, the album has a typically summer character, and I often listen to it while riding a bike through some woods and fields, when the sun strongly warms my back. I think the fans of Ott will certainly will not be disappointed with this production, which this time was not released through the label Twisted Records, only by a label created specially for this occasion called Ottsonic. It is just perfect for summer!
7 / 10