Derek Oldman

[ Tarnów ] English / Polish version

Derek Oldman
    WHERE: Tarnów
    WHAT: chill i acid
    ALBUM: Code Eternity
    PARTY: Andrzejki ’97 Club 102
    LIKE: TB 303
    DISLIKE: lie
    PRIVATELY: new way of life

Derek Oldman, or rather Dariusz Starzec was born in 1979 in Tarnow. He began to explore electronic music in the early half of the 90s. Then began to produce their own recordings on a legendary and oldskool (nowadays) Atari 130XE, and later on a PC. He treats music only as hobby and entertainment. Derek loves sounds of synthesizer Roland TB-303 and often uses them in his productions. If it comes to chillout music Derek Oldman is the author of the unreleased (yet) album UNIDENTYFIED CITY where you can find his crown track 4+4+4+4 = 16, which we hope to hear also on 17 January (Acid Tales party) at INQbator club in Katowice. if you would like to listen to his other productions just click HERE!