A.B. Didgeridoo Oblivion – Lucid Dreaming
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A.B. Didgeridoo Oblivion Lucid Dreaming 1997
2. Liquid 3. Overtone Night 4. Loopy Goddess 5. Vortex 6. Anomaly 7. Portal 8. Galactic Guides 9. Enter The Nebula |
The didgeridoo which is (probably) the world’s oldest musical instrument was created about 40 thousand years ago. No one knows anything about its background, but the Aborigines believe that they have received it by inheritance from ancestors and that it has existed since the beginning of ‘Dreamtime’ so that the sound was already present when the world was created. Whoever has tried to play the didgeridoo (I have this compromising test for me), knows how difficult and thankless act it is. Whoever has heard the sound certainly is infected and fascinated by its wording. Sean Candy, hiding under a pseudonym A.B. Didgeridoo Oblivion, takes us on a truly didgedelic journey filled with Australian influences, masterfully mixed with the electronic sound.
PARALELL UNIVERSE is a subtle opening of the album. Very spacious, smooth intro whetting appetite for the whole album. It teleports us with hyperspeed into the middle of the Australian land. Didgeridoo here is a delicate background, timidly emerging from other sounds. Listening to LIQUID it is hard to believe that this great album this was created 11 years ago. Its sound is incredibly versatile, timeless. Electronic sound, hypnotic tone of the didgeridoo and supernatural sounds that are of least concern, give the impression we were witnessing the ritual of waking up of mother nature. You can be sure that the sounds that you hear here, do not resemble anything you’ve heard so far. OVERTONE NIGHT is another magical path filled with rytuality, spiritualistic rites and devil knows what else. The hunting of birds of prey in the middle of the night. LOOPY GODDESS is rather a psytrance than chillout track. Dark, prey, could go with a ritual sacrifice of kangaroo to the ancestral spirits. Multifaceted. Very, very psychedelic. VORTEX. Beatless, Aboriginal freak show. Hunting for butterflies with a spear, for koalas with a stick. ANOMALY. The strangest of strange sounds are brought out here from the didgeridoo. Another track rather approaching the psytrance than chill. Riding kangaroo at a rapid pace. PORTAL. Composition in which the first violin plays.. Guess who? Didgeridoo and if otherwise. Very tribal and vibrant track in which we can fully enjoy the sound of a piece of wood bitten by termites. Phi! The small shifty know what’s good! GALACTIC GUIDES sounds pretty oldschool. It fits here just a little bit like a fist to the eye, which does not mean that it is bad. ENTER THE NEBULA wakes us from the trance by the sound of the flute. The sounds of our world are coming to me slowly. What a pity… I felt good in the middle of Aboriginal microuniverse…
And how is it? Are you hypnotized? It is hard to call LOOPY GODDESS, ANOMALY and GALACTIC GUIDES ambient tracks… But I think that the work of Sean Candy I can categorize as didgedelic chillout.
8 / 10
Beata Brzoza